Loves the cock, hasn't had it i a while but absoulutley worships men, he also likes little boys
by Anonymous October 13, 2003
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Projectile Vomit. PJ refers to any and all actions that make one want to projectile vomit.
PJ is a female who likes to projectile vomit.
by PJi'minlove October 28, 2006
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Gawsh, you guys are sick (talkin' 'bout the other definitions :L). In our society, a PJ is a Personal Joke. Also known as an IJ (Insider Joke). It is a joke that you share with one or two people, that noone but the two/three of you will understand.
JoJo: We come from Skuxville oi!
Ashleo: What?
Rachee: Dw oi. Its a PJ
by imaWOODchuck. January 26, 2009
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PJ is the coolest there is i mean im "PJ" and i rock lol :P yep my name is PJ and dont diss me
townie:"dude your like so cool how do you do it????"
ME(PJ, goth):"Well for a start i have loads of friends"
townie:"can you help me become cool?"
Me:"piss off i have firends to see to girl friends to shag and people to beat up for my money back"
Townie:"ohh ok"
by PJ May 5, 2004
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A super cool guy, with great blue eyes, awesome sunglasses, that he wears at night, and likes new pants. Normally tall, and skinny. Doesn't have a heart. But is still a totally amazing kid.
Amy: Yo, have you seen Pj's new sunglasses?
Deserai: No, why would i, its dark out?..
Amy: Dude, he wears his sunglasses at night.

Megan: Nice new pants PJ

Sarah: I love you PJ!
Pj: I don't love anyone, My heart is empty.
by Meganoutloud May 12, 2008
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A sexual act that is performed by a male that is short in stature and extremely fit where he uses his freakishly small hands to simultaneously grip the penis and scrotum while using his pinky to massage the anus. Can be performed on a partner or on oneself.
I never would have thought small hands were the key to a good PJ.

I got a killer PJ last week from a dude that looked like The guy from honey I shrunk the kids.
by White Doug April 14, 2016
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cock in the face and two cocks in the arse. love men who are hung like a whale
he had 4 cocks in his month at once and 10 in his arse and loves whales
by harper bird October 14, 2003
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