It's simply a word that is used very widely on the internet nowadays; although no one knows for sure where this popular web term originated or derived from, it is likely a portmanteau of 'bro' and 'duh.'

It is treated as the internet equivalent of a scoff, usually said by one person to another when in response to something they said that is horribly overused.
Person 1: I'm going to dress up as a unicorn for Halloween!

Person 2: Well, bruh.
by tapulele June 12, 2020
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A word used to express derpness and say someone's stupid.
Dude: Man, have you seen this video yet?
*shows 9+10*
Me: Bruh
by ChanBruh December 18, 2016
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Used by african Americans Males in everyday vocabulary or to greet one another
Wassup Bruh!!!

Damn Bruh, Thats yo Gal!? She Fine as Hell
by Jae' June 9, 2005
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Term originated from Vine and shows "a prisoner falling to the floor in a movie."

Term used to describe something unbelievable or unjust. Also used to describe reaction to something fucking crazy.

The final way (originally on Vine) is when someone says something that makes you feel some type of way.
Guy 1: "I told her I loved her and she ran..."
Guy 2: "BRUH"
by BRUHH July 28, 2014
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Bruh is a question. It means like "Really dude?!" Or "Why the heck did u do that?" For example if someone did something u thought was weird then you would be like "Bruh?"
Guy 1: "I just ate a Cheeto off the ground."
Guy 2: "Bruh?"
by Hyenabird X January 10, 2018
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