well, my friend THOUGHT It meant a cunt. but we came to UD & realized it meant a BIG HAIRY SMELLY VAGINA.
Cause you are long in the pants, short in the weina, sucking my MUFF like a vacuum cleana.
by muffbreath November 5, 2005
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- noun, verb, adjective, pronoun

-noun: a muff is an adorable muffin-like girl.
-verb: 1. to muff- to engage in muff-like activities.

2. to take part in a time consuming, very enjoyable activity that is usually seen as unproductive.
-adjective:- muffy: muff-like, precious, humorous when
used in this manor the word muff is taken as a compliment by most
-pronoun: the adorable muffin-like person or figure being
Examples of muff:

-noun: Muff is standing by Marcel the shell with shoes on.
-verb: 1.Yesterday, instead of doing my homework, I got my muff on.
2.While Avery read aloud to the class, I was - completely muffed out.
3.On Monday of last week I was muffing when I was supposed to be cleaning my room.
4. I muffed hardcore last weekend.
-adjective: Today Avery saw a muffy girl wearing elephant boxers scampering down the road.
-pronoun: I was thinking muff was going to make me CD
with all of muff's favorite jams on it.
by muffmuff69 October 28, 2010
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Acronym for Manditory, Ugly, Fat, Friend....every girl has that one FAT friend that they always hang out with.
Man that chick is hot...yup, theres the M.U.F.F.
by Anonymous May 5, 2003
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"what did the nose say to the hand?... SMELL YOU LATER!!!"
"...oh jeez, you're such a muff."
by MomosneakyXP April 15, 2010
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A word used to insult or title someone idiotic, douche bag-esque or disliked for any reason.
"You're a muff!"

"What a muff!"

"That kid is such a muff"
by Malcom Little March 9, 2008
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the act of palming someones head in your hand and throwing their face in disrespect in the fullest. the best sort of muff is if the victim falls to the floor
did you see that, dennis just got fucking muffed like a bitch!!!
by silent dreamer March 31, 2008
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