Mel, often thiught to be a girls name but is in fact unisex. Mel is a cool person regardless of gender. Mel is most commonly a boys name in ireland and is only give to people who have real BDE. Be more like mel
Friend: hey bro
Mel: whats the craic lad ?
by Ex_cha_gra_da_00 November 22, 2021
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a sub.
wow, she's such a Mel.
by not a mel July 18, 2021
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1Regular: omg I’ve never seen a big titty Asian in my life before meeting Mel 10/10 she satisfied my every need and more I 100% recommended for anyone looking for a spicy big titty Asian

2 Regular: she made me nut so fast omfg she told me it was her first time big titty Asian bambolzed me she knew exactly what she was doing
by TopCro February 16, 2021
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Mel is someone who just looks like a work of art, she's a cutie, she is a loving and caring softy that always wants a fight. she can be a bit loose tempered at times but its funny, so its okay. she also a heart stealer.
"Mel is one sexy gal. do i love her, yes i do
by Mr.AnacondaC0ck November 26, 2020
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A fit ass child who’s really cute once you get to know her. She knows how to ride a bike and will welcome you in her loving arms. Unfortunately she does like cheese, however she hates raisins which is great bc raisins are disgusting.
She’ll also make you flustered as fuck. Through text too; it’ll cause u to use the 😳 emoji infinitely many times.
mel is so fit!
by monty~~~ May 30, 2019
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