A contentious prick that acts like they are on a moral high ground because they are doing humanity a favor by wearing a mask. A maskhole will believe these things because they are brainwashed and listen to the propaganda being fed to them all the time.
by TT2020 December 30, 2022
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someone who is judgmental, indignant, rude, or harassing of someone who chooses not to wear a facemask when it is not required by law or guideline
I was walking my dog in the park and some maskhole stopped and berated me for not wearing a facemask
by Ryno-Chicago May 21, 2021
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Maskhole (noun)

An entitled piece of shit (libtard) who takes it upon him/herself to dictate to others when, where and why a mask should be worn during a pandemic, despite lacking the brain power to defend the bullshit they are fed by the media.
I can't believe the maskhole asked me to put on my mask while I was jogging in the street.
by koskesh1 August 4, 2021
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That segment of the population that ignores Science & decides wearing a mask is not for them. Meanwhile, potentially infececting those around them.
Did you see all the Maskholes at Home Depot today? Not one of them was wearing a mask!
by 8 Mile July 22, 2020
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A maskhole is a designer Covid-19 mask with a hole in it for another guy to stick his dick in and get sucked off.
My cadet roomie, Matt, bought me a mask with a maskhole in it so I can still suck his cock or rim him!
by USAF Cadet November 12, 2020
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A person who refuses to wear a mask, and is an asshole.
Man, that Karen was a maskhole
by Yep Thats Me March 16, 2021
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A person who appoints himself or herself the 'mask police' and hollers at or aggressively confront strangers they catch not wearing a mask, such as during the Covid-19 pandemic, in dubious circumstances.
I was out trail running and this maskhole accused me from 20 feet away of trying to kill his grandma
by BettyHumpter October 2, 2020
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