The date of birth of a person who is fun to be around but hates stick glue
Person a: wow i love people born on march 28 but their relationships with stick glue seem complicated

Person b: yeah man totally
by ihads3xwithurmom November 22, 2021
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“Hey bresha, do you want some of my nigga beans on March 28?”
by Janae b.Roberta October 16, 2019
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People who are born on this day are the prettiest and intelligent people you'll ever meet. They are selfless and very kind, although, they are sometimes bitchy
march 28 people are cool
by Lunaricly May 8, 2022
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The day quandale dingle is suppose to escape and were all suppose to help him
March 28 was a great day
by Triddler May 15, 2022
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National we all skip this day; We all skip this day!!! And we don’t celebrate or do anything!!!!
Man 1: “it’s March 28!!!”
Man 2: “what about it?”
Man 1: “it’s National we all skip day!!!”
Man 2: omg that’s amazing
by Regginbut February 16, 2022
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If you were born on this day, you are either hated or loved, stinky or smells amazing, picky or loves every food.

Today if your science teacher tells you "no" to go to the bathroom your rawr in their face then go to the bathroom and when you come back go to your teacher, get on both knees put your hands together like you praying and say "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"
Polly: Can I go to the bathroom?
Science teacher: No


Polly: *walks into the classroom*
Science teacher: Did I say you coul-
Science teacher: GO TO THE OFFICE, NOW!
Polly: But its March 28th!
by poopymanQWERTY March 28, 2022
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International GATE BITCH appreciation day

Gate bitch has one day of not opening up gates and the driver actually hast to go open up the gate for himself
Hey “gate b” it’s March 28th take the day off
by D3r3kmh March 29, 2021
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