a red head, ranga, looks a lot like a man and is identical to her little sister. Jeez.... is that Louise. karen karen karen karen karen karen louise is eating spaghetti in the library again
louise is a ranga
by f disk vsdkmvs June 18, 2019
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A bitch and whore who will stab you in the back and pretend shes the victim. She often has fake depression and post slutty stuff online,
Did you see Louise new post? What a slut
by Currentlydoingyourmum August 24, 2019
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Sae + Pete's slang word for weed/green/marijuana.
it's amazing.
Sae: You wanna spark up?
Matt: Yeah mate, smoke up.
Sae: Got any louise?
Matt: Nah, pete might have some.
Sae: Got any?
Pete: Nah man, i'm meeting louise at 20 later though.

Meeting louise = Picking up green
at 20 = an eigth/twenty quid
by SAEEEE July 25, 2006
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An Irish Dancing World Champion. No-one can compare. It's getting 'reely' a bit ridiculous.
- Wow, did you see that dance?
- Looks like we have another Louise on our hands.
- We shall never compare.
by fureelfriend September 16, 2012
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A crappy piece of ungrateful shit that is spoiled as hell. She is very self esteem and she doesn’t care about people’s opinions.
She is very snobby and loves to brag about herself.
Louise should die And go to hell.
by Louise_sucks_:D December 1, 2019
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Louise smells like a fart from a skunk caught in a jar and allowed to fester for days. Louise also spends a lot of time on her phone.
You smell like a Louise
by Douche baggggg January 13, 2019
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a fine trans man with big boobs and a nice vagina but i don’t understand because it’s a man
aye look at that louise over there i can’t tell if it’s a man
by snogga January 17, 2019
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