Kiana is a very loyal person. She will always help you in the most difficult moments. But if you know her SHES SO GAY
by Janus Mommyta November 22, 2021
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When you see her , can't be sure if she's a human or an angel. She's so beautiful with her damn cute curly hair which is so adorable. Be in touch with her , trust me; you will never feel more alive when you have a kiana in your life . If you're far from nature , then kiana is the one who you need , there's fresh air wherever she is..
Love , your friend A . February 14, 2022
by February 14, 2022
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Kiana Stanley is a white girl who thinks she is full Asian and 1,000% black. A Kiana is a girl that is a bitch, two-facer, bitter, snob, whore, and concieted. Everyone hates a Kiana. She is a fake hoe.
by HatiinHater June 21, 2009
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She’s funny can be lonely sometimes, she’s a loyal friend if you don’t be annoying. So don’t get on her bad side. She’s willing to do anything for her friends and often is happy. Sometimes people will mistake her for something she isn’t. She’s not totally gorgeous but she’s just not ugly. She’s misunderstood and kinda lies a lot. But it is what it is. She says she doesn’t care but deep down she really does so make sure that she is okay
Boy ‘Have you seen Kiana?’
Boy 2 ‘yea she seems like a hoe’
Boy ‘damn right

Girl ‘Kiana seems pretty coo
Girl 2 ‘I’ve heard that she dated 13 guys at the same time’

Girl ‘oh yea hah’
by Jermal Ortega 헌법 February 19, 2019
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When two fingers meet inside the women's vagina, a.k.a. the VA JAY JAY, once met, they spark and electricate eachother!!! this then sends thrilling shock to give orgasm!!! ;p
We were feeling eachother, so we pulled a KIANA!!
by LOVES OF KIANA February 19, 2009
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A "Kiana" is a species of tuna. It's normally used to indicate people that are very silly and funny and not a type of food. The original Kiana is also very stupid but protective and lovely.
you really are a Kiana, you know?
by lalaOwO June 7, 2019
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A love desperate bitch who needs a man in her life always and is not that smart, but she can be beautiful.
Omg, your being such a kiana!
by Jerry Whale February 7, 2015
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