Nigga Fuel nigguh-fyu-ell - Some type of food that keeps a nigga going.

For example: Fried chicken nuggets/ wings: food that all black people love and chicken gives them a lot of energy.
Daquan: Hey man, why you so energized today?

Sean: Man, I had some good Nigga Fuel last night. Gave me so much energy, that I'm ready to smash the shit out of 10 Strip-Club bitches.

Daquan: Man, I'm glad you got all dat energy, cause we 'bout to smash Cardi B. today, right? We finna have a threesome!

Types of food that could be considered Nigga Fuel, certified by niggacians: Doritos, Collard Greens, Chicken nuggets, BlackEyedPeas, Eggs, Bacon, Grits, Sausage, Hennesey, Pure Dog Shit, etc. Basically anything fallen on the ground or found in a dustbin.
Jaydon Price is a black man as shown.
by It'sYaBoiDJD April 22, 2017
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a werid uwu pickme guy who loves to do nothing but procrastinate about women. he is also a uwu girl and a feminist
Oh look theres a Jaydon Lau
by gwcoolkid March 7, 2022
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Always got a round head and likes multiple girls at the same time. Talks shit about THICK, bad bitches, like Jamia, just because he can't be her. He thinks he's always right just because he's allergic to Eggs- But NO. THAT'S NOT THE FUCKING CASE JAYDON. I hate you...
Look at Jaydon over there talking shit about that sexy girl Jamia, SMH.
by JiggyJamia February 8, 2018
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best couple ever. they go together real badd!!😘
girl who you think the best couple out here is?
uhh most definitely jaydon and khia!!!
by ongtwinnnn November 17, 2022
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A night owl who stays in a freezer, oh I mean his cold, messy ass room. He acts like a E-Girl on Discord and any other social media. He will hate on everything he doesn't like (regardless if he knows anything of the subject).
Jaydon Crum is the definition of a scum bag
by F4K3 August 22, 2023
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Jaydon (girl)
Is the baddest bitch to ever walk this earth
Look at how beautiful she is must be a Jaydon girl
by Domenic toretto November 23, 2021
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A complete moron that grew up to buy his heart from dollar tree and used it on girl who risked their life for him. Jaydon is also a moody person at certain times of the day they will get angry for no reason and won’t help but to take it on other people ! BEWARE OF A JAYDON L!
casey: omg have you seen what Jaydon L did to Sasha
Vic: duhh girl Jaydon L is always in his moods
by Mizz.Ari October 30, 2019
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