A game that all blind xbots will buy and praise no matter how bad (or good) it actually is
Halo 3 could end up being a 2 hour video of Master Chief jacking off and xbots will STILL proclaim it to be the greatest game of all
by Bushwhip(but call me Swip) October 21, 2007
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N. Most likey the 2nd best game for the xbox 360, it was a gift from god to mankind, hated by Playstation fanboys.

Without it most things in the world would fall apart, for example, every man in the world that plays this game would have to go around in green cyborg suits and shoot each other. This would cause global warming, dont ask why, it just would, okay???
Big B: Hey Steve, wanna play Halo 3?
Big B: ... Nah this is way more satisfying.
by Nine nines 999999999 October 20, 2008
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The third clone of the Halo trilogy. Pretty much the same as the first two but a new weapon or two and a couple dozen new maps. The only reason why someone would buy this is because they are drawn into the ads that say how it's going to be the greatest game ever and any other game is shit compared to it.
Person 1:"Dude i'm gonna go buy Halo 3 when it comes out wanna come watch me buy it?"

Person 2:"You already own Halo 1 and Halo 2 why not just glue them together and put them in your Xbox 360?"

Person 1:"Because those two are shit compared to Halo 3. Did you know Halo 3 has one new weapon and thirty-six hundred new maps."

Person 1:"Get the Hell outta my site I never wanna see you again you fucking retard."
by Golden Bullet December 27, 2007
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First Person Shooter (FPS) developed by Bungie Studios in Washington. This video game is an Xbox 360 exclusive game that is compatible to be played on Xbox LIVE. The game was released on September 25, 2007.

The campaign takes place in the future involving a bio-genetically enhanced super-soldier and an Earth army called UNSC fighting against an alien alliance called the Covenant. In Halo 3, the Elite sector of the Covenant had seceded from the Covenant and allied with the humans.

The multiplayer generally involves shooting down other players and completing various objectives.

Halo 3 is the supposed coclusion to Bungie's Halo series.

The Multiplayer base of Halo 3 is generally rated high for gap in accepting a wide range of gamers and the several different features given to enhance gaming experience.

However the campaign was not as good as many fans were hoping for and other gamers wanted to play. To many people, the only enjoyable part of Halo 3 is its multiplayer components.
Hey Jim, are you going to Play Halo 3 tonight?

Do you think Halo 3 is a great game?

William, a long time Halo fan, was excited when he finally got Halo 3.

Jim was disappointed by what he though was Halo 3's mediocre campaign, but he highly enjoyed multiplayer.
by Cramakazr March 31, 2009
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A game good until you go online with about 4 unbalanced weapons and search prefer skill and you get people with 30 ranks above you. A game where you get called gay if you lose and lags everytime you really need a win. A game where Bungie doesn't want you to rank up and says you can win 20 games straight and rank up once but if you lose once you lose your rank and you fucking restart. That's just how bungie and halo are. FUCKING GAY.
John:Dude i just got my 30 on Halo 3.
Bill:Really holy crap dude how?
John: i wont 20 games straight
Bill: wow dude that's crazy.
1 game later
John:Shit i just lost my rank.
Bill: what how?
John:these guys kept using swords,rockets,hammers,and shotguns and i lost 1 match now i have to win another 20 FUCK.
by xXxPressurexXx October 17, 2009
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Something I hope will not come. Halo was great, Halo 2 sucked. You shoot somone in the back of the head and they dont notice you for 5 seconds with a fully auto gun (no exaguration) and nothing happens. Then he finally notices, turns around and kills you in 2 seconds with a sword.
Halo 3 should not happen
by Bob Hope III February 16, 2005
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The worst excuse for a game in the history of forever!

You hover when you jump.

Failed story line.

Bungie cant pick up the money to make another main character.

Shit-ass graphics!

Stupid sniper rifle scope. (rectangle, wtf!)

Glide up ladders.

Homos like to play it and tea-bag each other. (fags).

Unrealistic weaponary.

It's for the shit-box.
Peter: "Hey, man. Wanna play Halo 3? I'll Tea-bag you!"

Nic: "Nah, Fuck you, man! Go play your Shit-Box 360 and go tea-bag your faggot friends somewhere else!"

Peter: "Shut up, just shut up!! <sob><sob>. I'll tell Master Chief on you!"

Nic: "Whatever. Go rape your mom in the ass with a fucking machete for all I care, you worthless Halo loving cock sucking piece of shit!"

Peter: "<SOB><SOB><SOB>"
by Your moms asshole August 29, 2009
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