A virtual chatroom in which the implementation is somewhat questionable (you can often try to enter rooms and just get kicked back to the frontpage with no error message.), and nowadays 99% of the time, if you enter a room;

- 80% chance of there being an actual constructed queue system
- 80% chance of that queue being stuffed with losers who have nothing better to do, and remain there even if the owner treats them like shit.
- 85% chance of getting kicked while in that queue;
--- 60% chance that it's just on their own whim.
--- 40% chance it's because they see it as the most convenient way to move their 'friend' up in the queue.
--- 40% chance that if you return and ask why you were ejected, you'll get ejected again because they don't want to be shown up as a power abuser.

Those considering this place, I can only suggest you check out Furcadia, which is similar, and more importantly, has (primitive but reasonably powerful) scripting, and doesn't force you to pay for furniture. You might think the fur thing is weird, but it's nothing compared to the contents of Habbo Hotel.
Me: Does anyone here speak english?
Habbo: wtf!!1111
Me: Well, at least I'm almost at the front of the queue now.
You have been ejected.
Me (returning): What was that for?
You have been ejected.
by Snuffkin February 4, 2005
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an evil game; a game which you must play and get all your courses fail =
by Poopy Pear May 3, 2005
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habbo hotel sucks. the habbo staff rip people off! they make u spend all ur money on credits/coins. then they bann u for no reason!!! and they hav fucking silly rules!!!!!!!! they censor non-swear words! i got banned for 'ever', for telling someone 'me and my crew run things here at habbo hotel'! im gonna hack habbo, then they'll all pay!!! hahahhahaha.....
habbo hotel sucks. the habbo staff rip people off! they make u spend all ur money on credits/coins. then they bann u for no reason!!! and they hav fucking silly rules!!!!!!!! they censor non-swear words! i got banned for 'ever', for telling someone 'me and my crew run things here at habbo hotel'! im gonna hack habbo, then they'll all pay!!! hahahhahaha....
by MC_LOOT April 15, 2005
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A Fucked up virtual world. With pedafiles surrounding you. Some people get so addicted to it they pay for fake furni and credits/coins. ive seen my friend on it hes spent 15$ on it just to have credits and have new clothes. The hobbas are fuckers they ban 4 nothing and u then lose everything. Trust me habbo hotel is a fucked up thing that should of never been fuckin made.
Peda File: Wots ur name?
Kid: My mummy told me not to give info to strangers :(
Peda File: I'll Give U Furni.
Kid: :O My Name Is James Barnes
Peda File: Where U Live?
Kid: Mummy told me not to say dat either. :(
Peda File: I'll Give U Credz.
Kid: :O I Go to .....
News: Child James Barnes has been killed. They say he was playing Habbo Hotel. He was found outside his house stabbed. Also he had lots of furni and credz/coins!!!!!!
by Da Miker May 31, 2005
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a virtual hotel/chatroom where u can play games, make rooms + meet ppl
it sucks. Don't get hooked on it trust. u'll spend so much money on fake furniture
the most common phrases
"plzzz donate i got scammed plzzz"
"il give u credits if u give furni"
"search my name for fallin furni"
"its my bday wil u donate?"
by SaMmI* May 19, 2005
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Habbo Hotel is a gay website that sucks people into giving them real money for colors on a screen. The moderator acts like all of the habbos are toddlers blocking non-swear words like msn, hotmail, aol etc. Also, It will block 6 or more numbers at a time. When a word gets blocked, it shows up as 'bobba'. Habbo Hotel is also where hundreds of pervs gather and ask you for your personal info.
-On Habbo Hotel-
Habbo1: hey
Habbo2: hi
Habbo1: wanna be my gf?
Habbo2: okay!
-Days later-
Habbo1: we have to break up
by Steph12 November 20, 2006
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Habbo Hotel is good and bad, but mostly bad. It's pretty much a heaven for perverts and lonesome teenagers who are actually 56. Habbo Hotel is supposed to remble reality, even though they're NOTHING alike. The habbo staff censors words that have no offensive meaning and the habbo staff treats everyone as if they're 2-years-old. No one on habbo seems to spell properly and the only questions that people ask when they 'meet' you are: asl, or 'wanna cyber?'. My friends actually are on habbo hotel, and at times it can be fun because my friends haven't spent a dime on habbo hotel for their virtual furni which DOES NOT EXIST, and we happen to talk... CORRECTLY, what a suprise. My basic day on habbo is making fun of all the sad people and luring in perverts only to tell them to fuck off, get a life, and stop being a man-whore. It seems on habbo that if you're in a short skirt, tank-top, and blonde hair guys seem to be magnetically attracted to you even though you're most likely an old man. Habbo Hotel does really suck, but at least I can spend a 10 minutes crushing all of the little habbos dreams of a peaceful (and unreal) community.
Some Creepy Guy: hey babe, asl?
Me: 56/f/galapogos islands.
Some Creepy Guy: thats relly hot
Me: Go away man-whore.
Some Creepy Guy: ill get U BANNNED!!1
by Lets just call me 'Talyn' January 9, 2005
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