A pop-punk band that became extremely popular with the release of their third album,'Dookie', which was released in 1994 and sold over 10 million records.Green Day revived their popularity in 2004 with their critically acclaimed album,American Idiot.This album proved controversial with fans because Green day garnered many new fans that never knew who they were until this album was released.Although to this day 'Dookie' still remains the highest selling Green Day album and a favorite of most fans.
Poser: ZoMg Green Day is teh suxxors!!!!111 Tey sold out!!1No 1 new green day untilll AMerican idiot!!11

Man with a brain: No they didn't.They just became popular agian like they were in the 90's.And American Idiot is not even their best-selling album.
by Jonmad August 28, 2006
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A band is not punk,used to sound punk, but now are mainstream/alternative rock, others might include A.F.I. and Blink 182
Green day could care less about what music they play so long as they make a lot of money
by Drakethacrusty March 27, 2009
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A day spend entirly being high or just smoking weed/marujuana. Also a mainstream punk band.BEST BAND IN THE WORLD!!Green day rock! They changed their name to green day from sweet children when they themselves had a green day. They now say they have quit taking drugs but they openly admit that sometimes you might find them blazing(smoking pot
Guitar/Vocals-Billie joe armstrong,34
Bass/Vocals-Mike Dirnt,34
Drums/Vocals-Tre cool(Frank Edwin Wright III),33
Additonal Guitarist/Vocals-Jason White,32
The number 1 band in the world???....???...Green Day!!!!!
by guitarhead September 3, 2006
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1) An awesome rock band lead by singer Billie Joe Armstrong that has many hits like When I Come Around, Welcome to Paradise, Basket Case, She, Brain Stew, Time Of Your Life, Warning, Minority, and Don't Wanna Fall In Love
2) A day when you just sit around and do nothing but smoke weed
1) Man, right now I'm listening to a Green Day CD and the songs are awesome!
2) That stoner's has 1 too many green days. He's trippin, man!
by 000 March 23, 2004
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A Punk Rock/Pop band from Oakland, California. Started out in 1986 as sweet children and later changed their names into green day. Started releasing music as independant artists and in 1993 signed to a major label to release their hit classic, Dookie, which would go on to sell 15million copies worldwide. After their 1995 album Insomniac, the band would expirment with other genres such as hardcore punk, ballads and folk punk (as seen in Nimrod and Warning). The band's latest album, American Idiot, shows them experimenting with rock operas and more politically driven lyrics, as well as a less distortant, cleaner sound. Their new, political, left wing image caused many older GD fans to critisize them as "sell - outs" when they had been on a major label for over ten years. Sadly, most of their new fans only know them from American Idiot and never heard the old green day, who sounded more like a mixture of the Sex Pistols and The Ramones.
Haven't you ever heard wake me up when september ends? It's fucking great!

Haven't you ever heard Brain Stew, poser Green Day fan?
by BrandonRamone April 24, 2008
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the name greenday actually came from an episode of bert and ernie-sesame street where they said something like "what a greenday" everyone else who thinks their name came from the concept of smokeing marijuana are stupid.
their name before greenday was sweet children. True greenday fans know these facts!%@^%
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A great band that have brought out many fantastic albums and became big in 1994 with the album called Dookie. But have had other albums suchas Nimrod, Imsomniac and Warning.
The members in Green Day are Tre Cool, Mike Dirnt and Billie Joe Armstrong.
"Woah I have liked Green Day since back in the Dookie Days"
by PeRsOn0101 September 11, 2005
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