1. A High insult similar to fuck asuming you are using the word fuck to curse someone and not have sexual intercorse with them, 2. To do something evil onto another, 3. A drunken wife beater, 4. A real asshole or dickhead!
1. Frack you asshole. Frack off!
2. Wow, man you are really Fracking your ex over!

3. Your dad is a Mother Fracker. You should stacd up to him!
4. That man of yours is a real Fracker, you know that!!!
by BadassNerd357 April 10, 2014
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Well we fracked those n00bs in the ass last night w00t
by Lee "the 1337" Cook May 4, 2008
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1) To mess up or destroy an electronic device while doing hardware or cosmetic modifications.
2) Not a successful hack or crack.
3) To suck at soldering.

Last night while trying to make a new joystick for the xbox 360 I fracked my controller port.

He tried to install linux on his DVD player and fracked it.

I fracked your computer.
by indecipherable December 20, 2006
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fuck + crap = frack

when your really pissed off and can't talk properly..this is what you get.
Ohhh frack!!

by Paige B April 26, 2006
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An insult. Another word for idiot;The partner of Frick
by Jame July 11, 2003
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A combination of the words 'front' and 'back'.
There is only one door in the house - the 'frack' door!
by Lizzie Leakie July 30, 2009
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a very strong word, used only in major situations-many involving orcs, middle earth or dirty cunt-bag hoes like someone i know name Alex P
"u fracken orc!!!"
by lord gomgnar August 17, 2008
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