The Foley fumble is a two-part maneuver: While standing at the foot of the bed, having sex with a spread-eagle internet hook-up, you accidentally lose control of your bowels and drop a deuce on her bedroom floor. To correct this mistake, you quickly kick it under her bed before she can notice. You continue pumping away until you’re finished, then go home, leaving the log for her to find the next morning.

This move was pioneered by Christopher “Kidd Chris” Foley, popular radio show host.

Other names for this maneuver include the Syracuse Sneak, Sacramento Surprise, Loveland Log Roll, and Portland Pump & Dump.
Wayne: “Last night I met this robust woman off AOL, and in the middle of giving it to her I pulled a Foley fumble.”
Lenny:”What in the blazing blue hell is that?!”
Wayne:”I shat on the floor, then kicked it under the bed. She never knew!”
Lenny:” So it’s like a fumble in the NFL, but in this case, you don’t want to end up with the brown object in the end.”
by TheCanon13 September 28, 2017
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A Republican member of Congress from Florida that was forced to resign when it became known that he was a pedophile.

"It's vile. It's more sad than anything else, to see someone with such potential throw it all down the drain because of a sexual addiction." - Rep. Mark Foley, R-Florida, 1998.

Also, see the word hypocrite.
Tom Foley, at last report, was sharing a cell with NMBLA pin-up star Dick Harden.
by youradhere October 3, 2006
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Foley is a small ghetto redneck town in the ass crack of Alabama. It’s well known for its crack heads, Yee Yee Bubba’s and thots. You can go to the local foley Walmart and find as many Mexicans as you need. You can also go to the local sonic or foosackly’s and find all your local nephsons Foley people love to get shit faced at weekend bon fires. All your local Foley fuckboys drive clapped out shit boxes. And don’t even get me started on the Trok sluts. Baldwin county pigs love to pull everyone over for anything and everything. Sometimes you can find roberstdale rednecks there too. Foley is not somewhere you wanna live.
Oh your from Foley Alabama? I’m sorry.
by Yee haw cowboy December 11, 2018
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Maya Foley is a queen and she does dance and soccer
Omg is Maya Foley cool
yes she is
by anonymous1763 July 20, 2021
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When you fuck a kid named Michael in his shit hole and he whimpers like a dog.
by Dookiepoopy November 17, 2021
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V. or N.
When someone bends down to pick something up from under a chair that someone else is sitting in. Especially prevalent with guys because girls excuse each other for the act.

The person who is mark foleying may be adressed as Mark Foley in the following example:
*Bob bends down to pick up a pencil that has rolled under Ben's chair.*
Ben: HEY, Mark Foley, watch it there!
by colonel cheesemonkey May 26, 2007
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