used when decribing someone who looks like a flump. a small cute furry ball of fluff originating in the british television show "the flumps"
"You're such a flump"
by Electronicxtacy December 4, 2008
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When a dead body collides with the ground at a high velosity. When getting hit with an expliosive in a video game or movie, when the body hits the ground it is called a "flump"
Player 1: shoots rocket
Player 2: *blows up*
Player 1: Oh dude you just got flumped
by slurpeeaholic September 26, 2003
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The act of being flumpy. Sad, being out of it or not feelin it.
Wizzie: Tf is wrong with you bro? Why won't you hit this bleezy?
Domonigga: Man, i've been feelin hella flumpy
by Wizzie March 13, 2014
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Something that is bad/not cool. It covers much more than just ugly or gross, because it can be used for anything bad.
"Bro, that shirt's flump. Get a new one man."
by BucketTeam23 February 28, 2014
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I'd flump her/him for one!
I'd d her/him for a flump!
i want a flump!
by smillsy July 20, 2005
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A sexual act which is easy to try but difficult to master. The art of flumping involves two people pushing their asses against each other, with one individual farting so that said fart enters into the recipient's anus.
"How would you like to Flump?"

I sure could use a rough Flumping!"
by Flumpmaster777777 June 14, 2011
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To shag, or indeed attempt to shag, a fat person's navel.

Not to be mistaken for the much loved pink/white marshmallow treat. Although it is not inconceivable to try and combine the two.
Get a load of her! Get me a night of flumping in there i reckon.
by The Jolly Mr Poo November 15, 2010
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