trading fidget toys for other fidget toys such as fidget spinners and pop-its.
8 year old: Hey, wanna do fidget trading?
Other 8 year old: Sure!
by cheezit! July 9, 2021
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"Hey, look, he's feeling fidgety. Give him a fidget spinner before he crumples all the napkins!
by ADHDfidget May 2, 2017
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It is a penis that needs to be jerked. Usually someone who is very horny has a fidget dick.
Johnny has a Fidget Dick. He just wont stop watching porn and jacking off.
by FidgetSpinner6969 May 21, 2017
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A funny, entertaining, and visually appealing web browser RPG game. It originated from Germany and is rather new in the United States.
I play Shakes and Fidget about every day. It's amusing and fun to play.
by Joe888888 April 4, 2010
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a device originally designed to help those with ADHD. unfortunately it has become the cancerous symbol of 12 year old boys
Person 1: Omg look at that little kid! He's playing minecraft!
Person 2: Dude, it's not cool to make fun of kids
Person 1: Hold up. He's got a fidget spinner too!
Person 2: Yea he's fair game
by | amazing grace | July 6, 2017
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