Sak kap fet means wassup. Sak Pase means wassup. It’s two ways of saying the same thing.
Sak kap fet Big Z, sak pase to my Zoes!
by Sonofthe5un🌞 December 20, 2020
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When you run out of your fentnyl or fenty and you start getting all out of control and start worrying to much and stressing over running out of fet..
Calm down weda, don't go on a total fet fret, it's on its way.
by ZabbaZabbaZomZom September 24, 2020
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A fet is an acronym for Furry Emo Twink
My dream guy is a cute Fet who well tie me down
by GodlyGodMate November 11, 2018
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Fet, a person that excersice but does not have the body. I am fit but still look fat. Between fat and fit... fet.
I am right in the middle of fat and fit, I am fet.
I am fit enought to carry this fat in any sport well fet.
I don't need to be skinny, I want to be fet like strong bear!
by Mondonson May 20, 2021
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A legend a lot of people know as "Fettery" also known as Fet. People use it as street slang for life.
Bet it on Fet!
by Realtorss January 22, 2021
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"Bro, I need to score some party favors. You know anyone holding?"

"Yeah bro, I got a homie that has fentanyl on deck. You game?"

"Hell yeah bro, fet is my shit!"
by Drink Magician June 27, 2023
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Alternative way of saying the word fat. Usually said fast and insultingly.
Guy shouting - “Get out of my way you fucking fet.”
by Kid Creepy June 11, 2020
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