A delosate city with no jobs unless you own a bar or beer distributer. "Erieites" are people who have serious mental problems. Why would someone live in a place that is fridged 10 months out of the year, with nothing to do. The main profession in the strange place is being a professional alchohlic, which you are awarded a higher ranking in "erie" society. People that choose to stay and live in Erie are complete losers with no self-esteem.
Jane "Mom we should go back to Erie and visit family in friends we haven't been there in a decade"!

Mom "No Jane that's a horrible idea. We may develop psychosis and have flashbacks of when we used to live there."

Jane You are right mom is the reason I have been in rehab 10 times is because....

Mom Yes Jane, because you grew up in Erie.
by What you talking about Willis? October 17, 2008
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Eri is a Nigerian name from the Yoruba culture and it means the testimony of god
by hdvksvdk November 4, 2020
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Eri is a name by Nigerians and it’s from the Yoruba culture in Nigeria and it means the testimony of god
by hdvksvdk November 4, 2020
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hottest, funniest, most entertaining person ever. I would eat her out any day ong.
“do you know eri?”
yeah why?”
shiii so you agree she fine asf??”
“yeah dude she mad cute
by fuckthispussyjustlikeyoushould February 22, 2021
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Eri is the most Wonderfull, amazing, funniest girl in the world... She has the most amazing friends and squad. She has the best eyes and will always wear a ponytail. She is very loved by everyone. She always gets all the men, but s very modest about it. She can be shy. She is a basic girl. She is the life of a party and will always come up with cool games or ideas.
Omg, look at that girl! She must be an eri.
by BITCHYES WHORE September 17, 2019
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One of the worst cities to live in. Waldeemeer's motto is, "Not the same little park anymore." That is a complete lie. Our beaches are dirty and contaminated, there is a McDonalds around every corner, we have no good places to shop except Hot Topic, Pac Sun, and Grasshopper. This city is a true frozen hell on Earth, seeing as how half of our weather is a winter wonderland. Our public schools are full of decent teenagers, but our private schools are full of racist, sexist, unaccepting, intolerant, narrow minded, republican bastards who will outcast you if you do not conform to their style and we happen to be four years behind in fashion and style. As previously stated, we are a frozen hell on Earth.
Private School Kids: "Go die little whore."

Welcome to Erie, frozen hell on fucking Earth. Did you know our mall is in the shape of a gun?
by dissatisfied customer December 16, 2008
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The absolute weirdess city in the world. This city lies on the Southern end of Lake Erie and is inhabited by idiots.
a city that is cool?
by Doug February 22, 2005
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