An absurd, histrionic drama among friends and/or relatives that approaches the ridiculousness of the iconic 1980s TV soap opera, Dynasty.

Lisa: WTF, why was Ricky Bobby lickin' face with that slut, Carol, last night at the party? Isn't she married to Ricky's best friend, Al?

Reena: No idea but apparently Al was seen taking his bromance with Ricky to the next level last week! Wow! It was grim. What a Dynasty Episode!
by KnuckleheadBoy April 30, 2009
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“Polite but meaningful phrase” to convey that a couple were trying to conceive a child. Coined by a contributor to Barbara Wallraff's Word Fugitives column, The Atlantic Monthly, March 2008.
by Zvezdochka September 1, 2011
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Bro 1: Hey did you see the new episode of 'The Office'
Bro 2: Yeah it was such a filler episode
by Bbbobert November 22, 2022
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When someone is feeling empty , not in the mood to talk to anyone or do anything and just wants to be left alone.
Hey, what's wrong with Sara? She seems off
Nothing serious, just going through a pinkasteroyd episode.
Ahh i see hope she recovers
by alice in wonderrrlaaand November 14, 2019
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The episode never happened, perhaps you meant Episode VIII?
But why would you search it up if it didn't happen?
Josh: yoooooo dude, remember Episode VIIII? The Sith Awakens?
Chad: it doesn't exist, josh
Josh: oh yeah my bad-
Chad: idiot
by DRSgaemer February 25, 2022
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A designated episode where all the misunderstanding happens to all the couples and the only thing fans/viewers can say is WTF.

This mostly relates to Asian dramas (South Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Thai). But can also apply to shows from other countries.
Y-Girl 1: Pete got mad at Kao for lying to him and Sun got mad at Mork for not keeping his promise, Everyone is on bad terms.
Y-Girl 2: Don't worry it's just The "WTF episode" they'll be on speaking terms the next episode.
Y-Girl 1: IKR? the whole situation had me saying WTF.
by MultiFandomJed January 21, 2020
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Referring to the ABC television series "Lost", whenever the viewer awaited anxiously the next episode of the series but to no avail the following episode is a bloody "Jin Episode".

A "Jin Episode" does not bring anything to the narrative, it is a considered by anyone with personal taste. It is as dreadful to watch than an episode of CSI Miami.
For Fuck's sake, it's a freakin Jin episode I guess I'll PVR it and fast forward through this episode later
by phattonyca June 28, 2011
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