Ellis is a guy who gets pissed and has a huge dick and fights objects (lightbulbs).he's a fun and bubbly person to be around he always lights up the with his sexual mind.
Ellis is a hotty and you shouldn't let him go. he has some bad ass parents
Ellis means a guy who wants a blowjob all the time
by phoenix1123 February 12, 2017
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Homosexual name given to boys, usually a name given to females. Most commonly found in homosexual based family's.
my friend Jade has just had a new kid.
whats its name?
Huh, gaaay.
by wordmangreame June 14, 2010
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The saddest bitch alive. he will never be in a relation ship and will forever be unloved.
that dude is a total lonely Ellis.
by jontron68 October 16, 2018
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A very annoying kid who loves aot and bullies me ;(
Oh my god Ellis shut up about aot for a minute
by Piss off man June 19, 2019
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Ellis is a given name or title when one has performed a stupid or dumb move in any given situation. This is known as an "Ellis moment."
Oh my god, I'm sorry I ran over your child, I just had an "Ellis Moment."
by lilwheeler420 July 22, 2021
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Ellis is a very kind boy, usaully loyal to all of his friends ! He always cheers you up whenever you feel down.Ellis is attracted to many girls and would go out of his way to hang out with them. if you have an ellis in your life, make sure to ask him out asap! your lucky to have an ellis in your life! Hes a keeper!!
ellis is so kind😍🤤
by Yournanscat October 21, 2019
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