A short, fat, insane person who constantly lies and wears diapers. Ducky's will walk funny. On chicken nugget day at school, Ducky's will run to the cafe in a pathetic attempt to be the first in line, but fail. A Ducky will make threats consisting of murder, drugs, birds, smuggling, household situautions, school shootings, and family/friends
"Did you see Ducky run to the cafe? I told him it was chicken nugget day."

"Ducky told everyone in class he smuggled a bird from mexico"

"Ducky said he would put a note on the ceiling if he were to shoot up the school."
by McCocklesniesnebennet January 26, 2009
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Someone who's obsessed with ducks, love ducks and says "Ducks are friends, not food". A person who has this name is unique, sweet, beautiful and wise. Never make Ducky mad.
Ducky is my favourite person.
by Aphrodite2811 April 26, 2019
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short preety sweet charming not fat funny beautiful sexy and kind
Hey guys check out that ducky walking over there.
by MRC 2 June 10, 2006
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Someone Who Either Has Duck-Like Facial Features, Also A Name Homosexuals Call Each Other!!
Quack Quack! U Have An Uncanny Resemblance To A Duck Tosh....
by Yayo June 25, 2004
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A guy who gets pulled over by a cop for drinking a beer while mowing his grass. Ducky always has a pulley-cooley (cooler) full of beer. Known for doing the "weed wacker and lawn mower" dance.
Guy: Hey Ducky how ya doin?
Ducky: SHIIIIIIIIIIIT MAN, bring me a Brewsky B!!!!
by k-la2010 February 3, 2010
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the standard unit of money in the hood that is equal to one hundred cents. Slang for the word money.
Steve is always asking if you got any duckies he can borrow.
by KevAndLAOK October 18, 2006
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For the boy to put his dick in a girls pussy and ass whilst having sex.

“He fucked me in the ducky last night. He’s so perfect i love him”
ducky me baby before i suck you off
by makemeasandwitch April 4, 2019
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