Extremely Thick dubs, an elongated/erect form of Ez Dubs, meaning more important.
When Devan Hoover stretches out Ez Dubs to last a long time, signifying its important, and is Phatt Ez Dubz
by Nobody01100001 May 23, 2019
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A gay white kid who raps and thinks that his whiteville Italian neighborhood is ghetto because he does grafiti on random fences and sells vicodins.
"Wow! B Fag and B Dubz are wana be morons, which makes them dumber than average morons."
by G-Wah February 6, 2006
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Someone with low magnesium, a boof haircut, looks for his wife on tinder, and a really bad music taste. Overall cuck that gets pushed around but has his funny moments.
Yea man I was boning this girl but some “S G Dubz” was in the corner watching the whole time it was weird.
by skrt69420 March 7, 2019
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When you fake cancer to garner sympathy from your friends who are worried about you.
Hey have you heard from J? Yea man he down bad with a case of Dubz disease.
by Kween of Thots March 12, 2022
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A shortened way of saying "What the..."
Me: Dude, hear about Candice and Cole?
Louise: No?
Me: Yeah, apparently they hooked up last night.
Louise: Dubz tee? She's dog as though!
by PL4GU3R4T May 19, 2010
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