1. A specific person/character in the game Guild Wars 2
2. Can be used to replaced common words, or even replace parts of words.
3. Commonly used as a swear word
1. Oh hai Dome
2. Ohhh, they got Domeinated!
3. I hate them stupid Domes.
by domness July 9, 2014
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Reference, literal and metaphorically, of a head/top of any item, solid or abstract. The word is commonly used in sexual references, or in non-sexual references that include pentration of a an item or a toxicant entering your body and 'hitting' you quite quickly that it feels like it went straight to your head, or 'dome'
I'll punch you right in the dome.

This bomb-ass shit hitting me righ' quick straight in the dome!
by Josh FTW December 1, 2007
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So high that you cant perform simple operations.

Hella HIGH
All dome as the chronics got me gone
Nigga it's on
On 'til the slugs come out"

Im domed as fuck homie.
by jesse March 18, 2004
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Verb. From the expression "to the dome;" the act of ingesting an entire quantity of a substance. Normally associated with druga and alcohol, it describes the act of consuming the whole of a given substance, such as a beer, a joint but not limited to any particular substance. When relating to alcohol and primarily beer, to dome can be associated with "chug" with the focus on the entire contents being consumed. When a blunt is domed, a person smokes it by themselves.
person1: alright, lets make like shepherds and get the flock outta here

person2: but i have a whole beer left

all: DOME IT!
by domeit August 20, 2010
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the act of obtaining either a headshot in halo and/or head, can be done using either a UNSC issued sniper rifle or a friend/girfriend's oral region
1)DheW got dome when he sniped BigMomba off the tower
2)Jeffery had a hard time getting dome from his hoe Balinda
by dhew May 11, 2008
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A contest held between two or more competitors in which a set amount of beer is ingested by all competitors at regular intervals, usually one beer/minute. A competitor is declared "out" when he or she vomits. The last competitor to have not vomited is the winner. One-on-one domes are usually announced by chants of "Two men enter, one man leaves."

May also be used to refer to the act of participating in a dome.
"I won the dome last night by drinking 13 beers in 13 minutes."


"Did you see those guys doming last night?"
by Cosmo April 21, 2004
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"Dude I was chillin' at the beach with my homeboi and we met this chick who was mad 'bout it. I took her behind a dumpster and copped some dome."
by runcrackah January 15, 2009
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