What a Davis.

OH! Davis.
by pinx8235 April 11, 2010
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A Davis is a person who lives a very sad & pathetic life but acts like he is really awesome & loves life. But most people can see through the act & are actually very worried Davis might hurt himself one day. A Davis spends most of his time bitching & eating hotdogs. Some people believe that is all a Davis does, but that is not true. A Davis also spends some time sleeping or masterbauting to pictures of hot dogs. A Davis also has a very unique ability to become an expert on video games after playing for just 1 day. A Davis has a "general knowledge of everything" & is not shy about throwing it in your face or telling you complete irrelevant information at random times, an extremely annoying habit. Daviss are generally very confused about their sexual orientation & will never admit to their desires, even though everyone else already knows the truth. A Davis will always think hes better than you because he goes to college, played Destiny for 2 years, & can google how to do everything in video games. If you try to help a Davis or simply point out a Daivss strange lifestyle, the Davis will become very defensive & go into an unstoppable binge of eating hotdogs & bitching. He also might go write in his diary about how everyone is always "making fun of him" & that hes not really like that. A Davis lives in deep deep denial.
Guy: Hey you wanna play a good game with us later?
Davis: I can't, i have to bitch & eat hotdogs. Besides, im already an expert on that game & that game sucks anyways.

Guy: o, ok. Enjoy your hotdogs dude.

Davis: Omg. I dont even eat hotdogs! Why does everyone make fun of me?
Davis:.... Did you know a rats teeth never stop growing? A rat is actually part of the rodent family.

Guy: ok Davis. Ok.
by Pandajunkie April 16, 2016
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Davis are a good looking man they usually have blonde hair and blue eyes they are very nice and funny Davis's are rare species it's like trying to find diamonds but your trying to find a davis they usually like girls with blonde hair and blue eyes also if you find a davis keep him
Omg I love davis I just see a davis
by Kingdom hunt3 July 17, 2017
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To pull a Davis is to make a mistake or mess up at work, after which a bell or alarm is rung (Davis Bell). When someone pulls a Davis, it can be as simple as forgetting how to turn off a machine that is used every day. It can also be more serious such as testing the wrong sample creating more work for co-workers, and in some cases slowing production.
Joe rings the bell when Mike pulls a Davis.
by owen10 June 14, 2011
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An oversized penis which has the capabilities of breaking a man/women's jaw.
God damn babe , your Davis is so massive it makes me wet .
by LongShlongSilver November 13, 2014
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Davis is such an asshole
by Baddasser October 27, 2019
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A person who a girl will fall in love with easily. Likes to lead girls on for the longest time and then ditch them. Smart in school but is a complete asshole and needs to be taught how to respect women.
Girl1 - Omg, I like this guy named Davis. I think I'm starting to love him...

Girl2 - Davis? He's an asshole and leading you on! Forget him now before you get screwed over even more.

Girl1 - How do you know?

Girl2 - He's a Davis!
by Don'tgiveafuck May 6, 2012
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