A way to describe something or someone that is unclean or nasty.
John: Do you smell that fart?
Bob: Aww, thats dirty!

Joe: So I heard you like Amy?
Dan: No, she's dirty.
by DavDav20 January 30, 2009
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adj. Possessing narcotics or other illegal substances hidden on your person.
A: The fucking po'po's are pulling us over.

B: Shit n*gga, I'm dirty.

A: Swallow that shit right quick.

B: A'ight
by JGD July 19, 2006
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1. the act of getting freaky in the bedroom

2. the act of getting crazy

3. an expression to something fun or exciting

1. We need to get dirty tonight baby

2. we gettin straight dirty tonight at the bar?

3. I slammed 37 beers last night, Thats dirty
by Nothinbutfacials May 4, 2009
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someone whos not clean. Dosent change their clothes for weeks at a time. Someone who dosent bathe regularly or take showers. Someone whos breath stinks bad and smells of Body Odor.
Vitale is dirty. He hasnt taken a shower in a week and he smells bad.
by kitejs January 6, 2008
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When something that is said or done degrates someone in a funny manner.
"Hey Steve, i'm saving my viginity until marriage."
"Really Tim? Well...thats cool i guess....im sure he'll be good for you"
by Guinzo March 31, 2003
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Name for someone with some type of STD. Usualy it can be assumed with sluts and whores.
Guy A...so man what you do last night

Guy B...man i ended up fuckin that ashly chick.
Guy A...dude i hope you used a condom, that chick is dirty.
by jimster1989 February 16, 2009
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