used in glasgow and other places in scotland to replace the word person often following the word mad
scottish guy 1: see that mad cunt over there
scottish guy 2: aye what about him
scottish guy 1: hes a poofter
by evilscotsman October 20, 2012
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A derogatory name for a person, male or female.
He's such a cunt.
She's such a cunt.
by Raaawrrr May 9, 2009
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1)A woman genetalia
2)A person you despise
3)A mate or random person
1)Your cunt is hot and I want to fuck it.
2)Fuck off you cunt
3)Do any of you cunts want a drink?
by Pete_H September 11, 2007
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An extremely offensive and explicit word meaning 'Politician'. The term is frequently used when members of the government take advantage of the public or make a general stupid decision.
1. 'MP's have been stealing our money to pay for second homes!! What a pack of cunts they are!'

2. 'Bush is invading another country? What a cunt!'

3. 'Gordon Brown is a fucking cunt!......he hasn't done anything to offend me but in my opinion he looks rather like a cunt.'
by Shadowpanda August 2, 2009
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The female genitals. Once common parlance, the term has been considered impolite since the end of the 14th Century. Not recommended for use in front of the mother-in-law. Also extremely derogotive
"You know, i always hated your mum, she was a right Cunt" As quoted from the Duke of Edinburgh to Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizebeth II in "Queenies Tales"
by garthy July 8, 2006
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something that english people shout when they are abroud, and dont like something.
what do you mean you dont have chips? i came here on a plane you cunt!!
by kittykatrocks! :) June 19, 2005
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A slang for a womans vagina. Also used as a generic insult
That chick has such a nice cunt I wanna do her

Matt is being such a cunt
by DizzyLizzy November 19, 2006
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