A dumb ass who sucks at playing call of duty and lies so you think he is cool with a really high voice that reminds you of a little girl who sucks in bed and likes dick
look at that faq

He sucks a COD like a Colton.
by Colton Bailey March 15, 2010
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a boy who makes you like him a lot but doesn't like you back and when you stop he'll just like you and you'd get into a whole weird situation considering you're bestfriends. then he asks you to sleep with him but he's already went and slept with 2 other girls at the same time before he asks you but say he just wants you.
man, that boy is almost as difficult as colton.
by i likeD you July 21, 2009
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A gay person, usually not very bright. But a good friend😂
(I just made this to show my friend Colton)
Colton is gay!
by UnicornsAreReal(UAR) March 21, 2018
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He smells like a Burt sausage and then feeds it to your wife.
by Coltini Linguini October 16, 2019
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A gender confused male, who prefer shorter woman. Often with tiny genitals.
"God that man is so Colton"
by Larissa Erickson May 20, 2008
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