I probably should have been clacking so that I could move out of my apartment before the lease expired instead of doing cleaning a packing at different times.
by Definition Queen87012 October 27, 2015
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crack coaine
that boy cookin up that clack
by Anonymous September 13, 2003
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Just another word for clickety clackety; that is making noise through typing on a computer keyboard.
Darren: Two tickets to Denver, Colorado please!
Norah (Flight Agent): *clickety-clack*. No problem sir. I found a flight. You're all booked!

* * *

Kelly: Could you please find out how many PTOs I have left this year?
Katherine (H.R. Agent): Sure thing! *clickety-clack* It says here you got one week left.

* * *

Jason: *clickety-clack* The Sword of Shannara! That's the first book in the Shannara series.
Laura: What about the author's other series about the lawyer who becomes a king?
Jason: *clickety-clack* The Magic Kingdom of Landover. Here, take the keyboard. The library search engine is quite easy to use. What is yet another series by that same author?
Laura: *clickety-clack* The Word and the Void.
by OffBeatDrummer November 24, 2020
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One who is crippled and walks on crutches
"OH NO! Here he comes" *Cluek Clack* *Clueck Clack*
by N-wordluv3rsun1ght September 17, 2019
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the sound created when you shake a pair, or more, of dice together
I can hear clackety clack coming from the craps table.
by slothlovechunk August 18, 2006
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When you slap or clack your testicles in a rythmatic motion on your taint, making a sort of clapping noise, much like a clap in the palm of your hand.
Jimmy was taint clacking to the disco music all night.
by Jimmy the kid July 10, 2017
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A euphamism for being shot. Can also be used towards onesself.
Guy 1: "Hey, did you hear that Tupac just got click-clacked? "
Guy 2: "Oh my God!"


Guy 1: "I feel like click-clacking myself, dude. I can't take it anymore."
Guy 2: "Get some help, fam. You need it."
by spiffsor March 5, 2018
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