A person that is very sweet and adorable. Someone I'd refer to as a smol bean. Too good for this world and is too precious for this cruel world. Must protect at all times
Wow look at Chloe there with the nice neck abd cute smile. She truly is a cinnamon roll aw
by DEE541 December 14, 2017
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1. A popular method of selecting recipients of the Darwin Award. It consists of eating a spoonful of ground cinnamon, which will inevitably cause extreme difficulty in breathing and leaves the poor sucker couching up clouds of condiment while they try to keep their lungs functioning. The challenge often results in collapsed lungs, pneumonia, and costly visits to the ER to save someone who honestly doesn't deserve to live after doing something so utterly fucking dumb.

2. Russian roulette, except with food.
After attempting the cinnamon challenge, Chris said with his final breath, "YOLO."
by A guy with common sense December 6, 2013
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When someone is so sweet like sugar and saying they are sweet is just not enough. They make this place a better place, they give the best hugs and heal your wounds like chocolate. Everyone loves them.
by ioannaDanvers March 20, 2019
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The act of blowing cinnamon into a person's face like former wrestler Mr. Fugi and then inserting a Twizzler into the person's anus
Doug's been walking funny and has experienced blurry vision ever since Uncle Tom gave him a Cinnamon Twizzler
by Magnitude69 July 6, 2011
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Give someone a spoonful of pure cinnamon. Tell them to put the cinnamon in their mouth and swallow. (It's harder than you think.) If they spit it out, it's called a Cinnamon Bomb.
That Cinnamon Bomb came out of my nose.
by vivianVORTECKS November 26, 2009
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