Someone who sits next to you in lessons, humming and overall making no contribution to the class. They also don't understand the meaning of a chair.
I did just did a Robert chitty
by Sherbornehate February 1, 2023
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Arises from the fresh green, rolling hills of welcoming Santa Rosa California. Definition: To puke, to yak, to vomit.
2. Originates from being to drunk and sick to claim you are The Puke City Champion of the World.
Town Drunk and I have pook chittied multiple times together.
Tone, I just guzzled 10 beers in 10 minutes, I think I'm gonna pook chitty.
by Peter Carlson April 6, 2005
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Talking a lot at fast pace like doing the dance cha cha cha 'quick feet quick lips'
Omg you never guess what I went to the shops an I saw Cheryl an Loz you should see them omg we had a load chitty cha cha wtf anyway I went an bought loads of stuff an I goin out tonight for drinks an next weekend I going on holiday....
by Almost funny October 29, 2012
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Swatting a woman's exposed breasts to induce motion.
Chuck: "How was the strip club?"
Jimmy: "Great, I gave the strippers the ol' chitty titty bing bang."
Chuck: "Did you get kicked out?"
Jimmy: "Does the Tin Man have a sheet metal cock? Yeah."
by jimmyjimjohn October 12, 2010
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Chitty Chitty Bang Bang...Bang Bang Chitty Chitty. How fun is it to say this? Come on, give it a try shawty.
Professor: Winston, you're falling in sleep in class again.

Winston: Who are you and who sent you? You like a Ragadon who has lost his way, old man.

Professor: I am deeply concerned that you have lost your mind, young man.

Winston: Well, Bang Bang Chitty Chitty, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!
by Flip Master BP October 15, 2023
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A slutty teenage to early 20's girl who doesn't give that ass up to anybody but total douchbags. We all know the type... the ones who try to get you to buy them cigarettes or cheap liquor. They run around in revealing clothing acting like they grown.
I saw some fritty-chitties down at the store.

Watch out for those fritty-chitties running around town starting shit.
by mchristjr1983 June 2, 2020
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