(gay slang) To carry the way. To carry the torch. To have all your ducks in a row, and lead us.
by chuubles May 10, 2016
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a girl with minimal baggage. air line reference referring to a small number of bags that are allowed to be taken on a plane
you should go out with that chick, she's definitely carry on.
by knucklesammich April 13, 2009
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An activity which is annoying, tedious, pointless or any combination of the three is said to be a carry on.
I've been on stripping the wallpaper since yesterday morning, what a fucking carry on!
by NE7_SHAGGER September 26, 2018
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to be taken advantaged of for gain,
Neil's pissed, that hoe carryed him, left with all his dough.
He got carryed.
by Acachix February 22, 2006
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To carrie someone's car is to enact the four forms of damage described in Carrie Underwood's song "Before He Cheats": That I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped up 4 wheel drive, carved my name into his leather seats... I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, slashed a hole in all 4 tires...
Dude did you see that guy's car?
Cha! It looks like someone Carried it.
by Mydaho May 6, 2007
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Just watch any crowd at Def Comedy Jams or And One basketball games and you will see carrying on at its finest.
by wetandstufff February 24, 2009
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unbelievably good-looking azn girl who stole my heart and broke it. she will never have sex with you becoz she is too holy.
carrie is the fucking best.
by sexybackks May 6, 2009
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