the subject of many songs such as "Roses:(Outkast), "Sweet Caroline"(Neil Diamond), and "Caroline, No"(beach Boys, covered by they might be giants). Basically, everyone just loves carolines and they all feel compelled to make music about them.
Caroline must be a pretty hot chick for so many people to love singing about her so much.

Caroline is caroFINE
by mrstylerhansbrough April 6, 2008
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Caroline is a kind, energetic, and beautiful girl. She will do anything for her friends, no matter what. She cares very much about everything, Family, friends, and even judgements. Caroline’s are likely short, but very strong inside and out. They are strong and will not give up on anything. They might seem super super stronger but on the inside she can be effected on the inside pretty easily. She is gorgeous and boys like her, but she is picky and doesn’t just want a “guy” she wants a guy that will care about her and will protect her. She is caring, if you do get a Caroline in your life, take good care of her, she is a great girl. Make the most of your caroline, she justs wanna have fun and be cared about.
“So you know Caroline?”
Of course, she is the best... she really is.”
I know.”
by Justforfun:) July 28, 2018
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She is the most gorgeous woman in the world! She is amazingly awesome, funny, sexy, intelligent, caring, loving, hot, beautiful, always fun to be around, pretty, and the most wonderful girlfriend in the world! The woman that you wanna spend the rest of your life with. Not to mention, she is the sexiest woman in the world and everyone wants to be with her and any guy would be lucky to.
This weekend was the greatest of my life. I got with Caroline!
Caroline is so sexy!

Caroline is a hottie with a body!
I love you Caroline!!!!
by Trojanman0428 February 16, 2010
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The Sweetest, funniest, cutest, most spontaneous girl ever. She has stunning emerald green eyes and light brown hair. She is slightly on the shorter side but good things come in small packages. She loves acting, dance, and singing. She is also a Disney FANATIC! You could catch her humming "Hakuna Matata" 24/7. She is one of the weirdest people ever but most people are into it. She is like a little ray of Sunshine. Any guy would be lucky to have a Caroline in their life. btw, she LOVES unicorns.
Tommy: You know Caroline?
Sam: Yeah, she is so nice.
Tommy: I think that I like, like her.
Sam: Me too.
Tommy: Who doesn't?
by littlebit2006 December 5, 2017
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She is the sweetest most caring girl in the entire world. Also, not only is she super amazing and smart, she is fun and outgoing. Every boy wants to date her and alot of girls are jealous of her. If you wanted a name to describe perfection, just use the name Caroline!
"Angels should all be named Caroline"
"Boy:Wow did you just see Caroline !?!?! She is looking amazing as always."
by hunkmunk September 15, 2013
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in this contex, the girl who is possibly the complete opposite of the rest of the urban dictionary definitions because she is sweet, like the song Sweet Caroline by neil diamond.
Alex: Wow, wasn't that Jonas Brothers Concert amazing?

Tori: Yes! Sweet Caroline was amazing, it reminded me of our good friend Caroline!

Alex: Totally
by Olga Jonas July 24, 2009
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