1 definition by Justforfun:)

Caroline is a kind, energetic, and beautiful girl. She will do anything for her friends, no matter what. She cares very much about everything, Family, friends, and even judgements. Caroline’s are likely short, but very strong inside and out. They are strong and will not give up on anything. They might seem super super stronger but on the inside she can be effected on the inside pretty easily. She is gorgeous and boys like her, but she is picky and doesn’t just want a “guy” she wants a guy that will care about her and will protect her. She is caring, if you do get a Caroline in your life, take good care of her, she is a great girl. Make the most of your caroline, she justs wanna have fun and be cared about.
“So you know Caroline?”
Of course, she is the best... she really is.”
I know.”
by Justforfun:) July 28, 2018
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