When the vaccine for the swine flu that is more dangerous than the flu itself is legal and approved by the government, and the people STUPIDLY rush to get it because of the superb PR strategies from the pharmaceuticals. Government sits back and does nothing, in fact u can't even sue the company and they r making millions of dollars, no one is held responsible for putting human lives in danger - capitalism.
OMG this flu is worse ever and I'm gonna die and it's gonna be pandemic so I better go get vaccinated while I do not have a clue that the vaccine is a moneymaking toxic machine cuz nobody told me. Oh wait, I live in capitalism. Maybe I should know better,,,
by toni79 September 28, 2009
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Gods way of telling who is smart, and who is poor
Man: Can I buy your jar for 10 dollars

Steve: Ok
Steve has just performed capitalism
by cwells June 5, 2019
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Definition: an economic system in which property and the means of production are private (privatization means in the hands of an individual, not the government)

Opinion: I love capitalism, it continues innovation via monetary inventive, and rewards hard work (economic studies show about 80%-90% of millionares/billionares worked, instead of born into wealth)

Criticisms: criticisms from socialists, communists, social democrats, and anarchists have critiqued the capitalist system, but I still believe that wealth inequality is a good thing, some people work harder than others, and in the capitalist system, there is monetary incentive to innovate
by Capitalistic September 10, 2020
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Where we rely on each other but only think about ourselves.
Yeeeahh, I could employ Americans, pay quality wages and make products that won't break, ... but hey, this is capitalism!
by ~Carpe Diem~ November 6, 2015
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Capitalism is when money
Capitalism is when money
by Herr Shrek October 12, 2021
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