Caleb’s are usually tall. He has amazing brown eyes with blonde or brown hair. He always has his thoughts on 1 special girl. He probably doesn’t know her very well. He is attractive but he doesn't think he is. He will make any person laugh and is very respectful of his parents and friends. If you find or know a Caleb, stick to his side. He will love and cherish you.
Girl 1. Wow, I didn’t know you knew a Caleb!

Girl 2. Yeah, he’s the best and very cute!
by #thestruggleisreal_43 May 9, 2019
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A literal homunculus. Avoid at all costs, he will destroy you with his unaided hands.
Oh god O fuck here comes Caleb
by fringolini March 12, 2019
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Probably the sickest dog in the world, the literal definition of swag, known to have the largest recorded penis in the animal kingdom. Michael Jordan once said, "man not even I cam jump that high". Caleb has been known to sesh the hardest and has been spotted vortexing all the beers in the world, a man who has been blessed with this name will no doubt slay bitches.
"Omg, there goes Caleb huge cock, beer sinking, sick cunt, probably on his way to have sex or something cool like sex".

'' I wish I could be that guy Caleb, how does he even walk with a hog that slanging. It hit me in the face earlier and I was concussed".

"Holy fuck, is that sweat or squirt Caleb, speaking of, your under arrest for sleeping with every chick in the world. Just wait here while we get a crane to escort you and your monster cock to an extra staunch jail cell made out of kryptonite. Yes Caleb, we had to move every prisoner to a different prison to fit you and your shoulders, now please step into this ultra wide semi trailer and we will sort the rest".
by poopoochoochoo December 1, 2021
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Caleb- The best guy in the world. The kinda guy where it's love at first site . Although, Calebs are shy and may not make it obvious about their feelings , they are the kind of guy you can trust with your heart. Caring, yet settles for less than what he should because he isn't confident in himself
awee, he's such a Caleb
by LiveLoveLife <3 August 24, 2011
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Caleb is a really funny man. He an be annoying to some people, but if he likes you then he'll be super-nice. He is the best person in the world and I would just like to say, Caleb, will you go out with me?
by Lily Rocshae April 13, 2011
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Super cool mofo who's tight with everyone. Good at everything he does. Charismatic,charming,daring, handsome and beastly.A person everyone wants to know. Good with the ladies. The loudest one in the room. Will back up his hommies, especially in a fight. Loves to party. Addicted to women. Self-centered sometimes. Never humble. Overall a person you need in your life.
Man! I wish i was a Caleb!

When i grow up i wanna be a Caleb.

I wanna date a Caleb They're soooo Cool.
by Gary Oxford January 13, 2010
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Caleb is one of the best guy friends you will ever meet he's an amazing person! He's always there for you when you need him! He's a best friend and even better boyfriend! He's super sexy and has a nice six pack! He'll make your day better by saying even one word to you!!(: he's an amazing kisser and so sweet! You'll get along fast and stay that way! He's not easy to make mad but if you do watch out! I <3 you Caleb!!(:
his name MUST be Caleb!(:
by C&T!!(: February 2, 2011
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