A west-coast term for a friend especially one who you are hoping will help you out.
Hey broski, get me some chips
by Big-Mango April 23, 2008
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A term used by white girls, which replaces "bro" and "homie," as a white girl saying "homie" is awkward.
Tom: So how awesome is that monkey?

White Girl: Super awesome, broski!
by BobPhred November 16, 2011
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It is a Polish last name not these fake terms. It does not mean; brothers,close friendship, bro's, buddies or any of those types of words. Look it up in a Polish to English Dictionary. It is a typical Polish last name. And yes I am a real Polish Broski writing this!
Tom Brown - Hey man im a Broski!

John Broski - What? How the hell are you a Broski when you are a Brown? ...Dumb ass...
by The Real Broski February 2, 2010
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Someone who is cool, amazing, and epic.
by kkenzaki January 28, 2021
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A alternitive term for "bro" used by jocks and self absorbed morons.
'Hey broski. Whazzup?'
"Just dated a chick for a half hour and spent the rest of the day hitting on new ones'
'Cool i laughed at the losers around the school and hit them with a football."
by Dinosaur2343 May 10, 2011
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Word used by WWE superstar zack ryder. Mean that u r a kick ass MF and r one of the guys. Word used to describe people in the zack pack.
by wise man586 November 15, 2013
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Broskis r the best people in the world. if u r not/never have been a broski, ur trash. Broskis r liyf 4eva.

Broski's yeet each other off cliffs to go skiing because a broski is a bro(can be female!!!!) whom enjoys skiing, but is too afraid to yeet themselves over the edge. They are also thicc boiis with boujee skiing outfits and have a perfect thot squat and particularly like parrot emojis.
person1: Am i your Broski?
Broski: Do you like skiing?
Person1: NO!!!
Broski: Then your not my broski, broski. So i shall yeet you off a cliff.

Person1: I thought only broski's yeeted eachother.
Broski: *Broski yeets Person 1 off a cliff because he insulted the Broski fam.*
by Buddy the Broski December 16, 2018
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