Two people who fell head over heels in love on January 26, 2010. They talked for about a year before realizing they were meant to be together. They are now and forever will be in love with each other. No matter where life takes them whether it's together or apart each person will always have a peice of one another's heart! They both realize each other is going to mess up occasionally but they're imperfections is what makes them completely compatible. A&F <3
Bridgette & James "sometimes you made me so mad i wanna throw you in the middle of on-going traffic but then i realize i would probably kill myself trying to save you"
by A&F baby i promise February 7, 2010
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What you call it when a girl gets so drunk that she seemingly has begun to speak German. Named after Bridgette von Hammersmark from the film Ingl_rious B_sterds.
Me: I didn't know that ____ spoke German.
You: She doesn't...she's just super drunk.
Me: Oh, she's Bridgette von Hammeredmarked.
by Crazy Legs 1966 November 18, 2017
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When three guys hold down your girlfriend, hold her pussy open and you proceed to take a shit inside her.
Turned my girlfriend into a dirty bridgette last night!
by Goonger gunger November 15, 2021
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a girl who is so kind yet so rude, she speaks her mind and wont let people push her down. even if someone is to push her down she doesnt show it, thats how strong she is. she mainly goes for older guys, maybe 2 years older than her and when she puts her mind to something she will achieve it. she doesnt give a single shit about her grades and her reputation at school and by the time we get to year 12 god knows how many times she will have gotten detention. shes attractive, to both guys and girls and i as a girl whom clearly has a crush on her and knows its practically impossible she likes me back find it hard. shes talkative once you get to know her and though she may seem rude and untrustworthy she only speaks her mind but if you tell her something you want to be kept a secret it will never be spoken of to anyone else, or atleast she wont utter a word to anyone about it. she plays the saxophone and knows exactly how to make someone nervous, or atleast she knows how to make me nervous.

in conclusion i like someone named bridgette and this is a vauge description of her, i know she wil
l never reciprocate my feelings but at this point it doesnt even bother me.
you know that girl named bridgette?

the one who doesnt give a shit about what people think of her?

yeah, that one.
by ur moms stinky big toe August 11, 2022
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Bridgette is a 11-year-old crazy BTS fan. She loves anime, possibly a weeb. Her bias in BTS is Jungkook, also known as junk cock.
Bridgette X Jungkook (junkcock)
by deeznuts999 November 5, 2021
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Bridgette is the type of friend to stick up for you anytime ever! She usually has brown eyes and brown hair and is usually very short. She is kind and is very touchy… :)
Hey look over there! It’s Bridgette, she’s hugging her boyfriend and her best friends.
by Unknownbutsmart!! July 2, 2022
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