BlockBuster Bitches are hoes that you rent for a small period of time. Just like BlockBuster, the bitch might be rented out and you gotta come back next weekend to see if they available. As they get older they get moved to the back of the establishment and the new ones get put on display.
James: You still messin' wit them BlockBuster Bitches?

Me: Every bitch a BlockBuster Bitch lowkey

James: You right
by Mr. Rugby November 3, 2020
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A person who hates a film unless it contains amazing actions scenes, high paid actors, and top notch special effects.
Wow Rico is such a Blockbuster Luster... his favorite movies are Transformers 2 and Avatar.
by Palient January 31, 2011
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Hard sex with blockbuster films in the background.
An improved version of Netflix and Chill
"Hey babe, want to go to my place and have some blockbuster and cockthruster?"
by Necraii February 1, 2016
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The sexual act of a woman doing a headstand while a man (or woman with a strap-on) fucks her while moving her legs as you would the oars of a Viking rowboat. (Pillaging and plundering is optional)
Friend 1: Damn your girl sure is walking hella strange.
Friend 2: Hell yeah man I gave her the old Scandinavian Blockbuster.
Friend 1: Fuuuucccckkkkk...
by JonahFlexOnEm March 23, 2017
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To stay home alone and masturbate while a rented, long-overdue videocassette plays on the VCR in the background.
“So, what have you got planned for Friday night, dude?”
“I don’t know. Maybe stay home, watch Bio-Dome on VHS again. Who knows? Maybe later on, a little Blockbuster and chill. Nomesayin?”
by HeppCat May 31, 2016
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A disorder characterized by knowing what you want to rent from Blockbuster only when you are in no way planning to, or in no way able to, make a trip to Blockbuster.

Inversely, walking into Blockbuster only to realize that you have no idea what the hell to rent.

The general symptoms of Blockbuster Syndrome may also be seen pertaining to music, clothing stores, and virtually any other consumer outlet.
We walked the four blocks to the video store, only to realize all of us were suffering from a textbook case of Blockbuster Syndrome. It took us about 45 minutes to finally think of a movie to rent.
by Phil G D February 1, 2009
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Similar to Netflix and Chill, but more popular in the 2000's. It's going over to your significant others house after renting a movie and having it on while having sex.
"Hey, wanna catch the next Everybody Loves Raymond episode? "
"Sorry, I'm going to be busy blockbuster and banging my gf. "
by collector1234567 March 24, 2016
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