movie with the worst plot in 2009. very expensive special effects every 5 secounds, no scene longer than 2 secounds, idiotic dialogs, main actor is no longer the main figure but his mom, this retarded special agent or maybe the random fag from the college, some autobots get a idiotic image because they talk nothing else but shit all the time. and so on...
i was sad to see how the oportunity for a great movie was throwen away. this movie could have been epic. i mean... even superbad was more serious than this shit. seriously WHAT THE FUCK!
i was sad to see how the oportunity for a great movie was throwen away. this movie could have been epic. i mean... even superbad was more serious than this shit. seriously WHAT THE FUCK!
when i saw transformers 2 in the cinema, i was like wtf is this shit -.- and there was a fucking moron next to me who lauged at every single lame joke in the movie. epic fail!
by 23512322322 July 13, 2009
People went to see Transformers 2 hoping it would take them back to their "glory days" when they watched the cartoon. Alas, Michael Bay is still a shitty director and the franchise is an insult to anyone who remembers their childhood with any fondness.
by JustAnotherGuy October 4, 2012
A stupid game based off a great movie and it has shitty graphics and the only person who plays it is a fat kid named Eddy.
by EddyYouFatass July 7, 2009