The mother of all bitchslaps. Capable of breaking teeth/bones and making a wigger white again.
Father: Boy, I swear if you don't start talkin right imma He-Man Bitchslap you into next week.
by Rollin Coal July 22, 2009
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Power bitchslap to the face. Must have a big windup and delivered with such force the intended targets head is snapped sideways. Usually handed out by a very pissed off person or big muscley beefcake. Sound of the slap can be heard down the street. Hard enough to pop eyeballs from the sockets and loosen teeth.
That was no ordinary bitchslap. That was a He-Man bitchslap.
by Taylz March 6, 2014
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Very Similar to the Harlem Bitchslap, but the only difference is leaving the condom unknotted so that some of its contents spills on the face of the female on the receiving end of the slap.
B-More Bitchslap Bitches
by Tigi- tigi-tiger woods ya'll January 23, 2005
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1.Being at an incredible speed in the face.2.Being dissed or insulted
That ball hit you like a Bitchslap at Moch 5
by Knux March 4, 2005
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When a girl attempts to fornicate her vagina with a peeled banana, resulting in a mushy mess down under.
"Man, I chimpanzee bitchslapped the fuck out of my punani last night...what a mess. Should have saved the banana for breakfast."
by Connoisseurbtch December 4, 2013
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It's act where a bitch is slappin' while a beaner is-a-crappin ay it's-a-me, MARIO!
Marigold slapped me in the face, while some busty Mexican chick ripped open her pants and shat on the floor. Bitchslap beanercrap!
by ☆★Midas★☆ February 1, 2022
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