Boring ass town in Maryland where the highlight is Harford Mall which is the smallest piece of shit mall I've ever seen. Kids drive around all day pretending to have somewhere to go and occassionally hang out in a parking lot and talk about their cars with loud mufflers. The girls are snobby sluts who start having sex at 13. Everyone has had atleast 1 STD that they all get from the same person. Everyone is an alcoholic because there's nothing else to do and most white kids think they're black.
hey i just copped some phat ass gonja u tryin to smoke?
by secret agent man April 1, 2005
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Bel Air, the nice way of saying bored ass place to live, surrondings include: Gothic clicks, crown, small house parties, clever rural roads, and a whole bunch of tree. Beer is our substitute for pleasure, but the consuming of alcohol usually waits till the weekend, for the weekdays, well we like to go on extensive burn rides for 3 hours so we dont go home bloodshot. But the biggest thing about bel air that everyone knows, its all about your friends, without your certain group of friends your life is extinct. Other than that, just a whole lotta pot smoking and a whole lotta lovin, given out by me to all the hot ladies in the district......and blaze mad blunts, hell im not even from bel air, im from abingdon, and for those of you who dont know where abingdon is, dont look, we already dont like you
dude: whats up bro?

dude 2: nothin chillin

dude: tryin to go on an L ride

dude 2: shotgun
by iloveyourballs March 13, 2005
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Full of extremely tight assed rich kids who think their lives were oh so difficuult becuase their daddy slapped them upside their make-up caked face becuase their got a nick in the Benz. Oh jeez. Bunch of fucking whiny ass wanna bes. Gossipers. Rumor mill. everyone that lives around here is pretty much full of shit..yea...that about sums it up.
Bel Air Female: Hey like my name is Katrina, how big is your penis just so I can prepare myself
Bel Air Male: You know, I'm onthe Bel Air football team
by WeAllFallDown6 March 28, 2005
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To throw-up on your brand new wife, while making a baby, on your wedding night.
She was beautiful in her white wedding dress. . . it's a shame I couldn't wait to take her. Her dress is now ruined as she's been bel-schplorked.
by Luke January 13, 2005
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Or Blair as Bmorians like to call it. A place, located in the middle of no where but the people think they run the world, full of rich families and their rich kids who all drive convertables. The Harford mall is the hang-out spot(that no one seems to remember pre-GAP) for the mall rats in middle school. When you hit high school, this can be upgraded to the Plaza, aka the parking lot between McD's and Superfresh. This usually doesnt last long, until you are all kicked out to Wawa down the street. There is nothing to do in this town, except smoke pot and have sex. Harford county is the number 2 county in the nation for growing pot, and its not a suprise. There is some kid everyother house who gorws pot either hiding it from their parents, or smoking it with them.
Next time you come to Bel Air, knock on a random door to score some home grown weed(if they don't, try the next door) and bang their mom. It's ok, you are in Bel Air.
Will Millete Will Millete Will Millete Will Millete
by jon doe March 3, 2005
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bel air is gay as shit. there are girls who are hoes and try to fight everyone and their mother. they talk shit all they can but when their girls arent arent they got nothing. he guys are retarted, they try hard but in the end they cry like bitches. Bel Air is town is full of parents and grandparents who pay for their kids new 30, 000 dollar cars and they drive wasted in them cause theyre ones ever been through a hard time because theyve never experienced anything. they all drop out of HCC because they cant do shit cause theyre too busy gettin fucked up cause they dont pay for shit. these kids piss me off. Bel Air is gay.
hey Bel Air.

girl: hey wanna skip class and get wasted and fuck every guy around?

girl 2: yea def, cause my grandparent pau for it and i got a gas card so who gives a shit ill live here forever
by bel air c/o 2004 November 23, 2005
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Bel Air, contrary to belief of the other teenage wastoids on this website, is in fact an awesome town. If you're chilling with your homies, and not convinced that the rest of the world is better, every friday and saturday night is mad fun. There's drugs, sex, booze, crime, hustling, and debotchery and merriment to be had. If you don't sit at home in front of your computer complaining and go socializing, you're guaranteed to have a good time. There's always a good show at the Recher Theatre in Towson, another more urban like form of Bel Air, and in Bel Air, you are almost guaranteed to get what you are looking for. The skaters are always good to chill with, if you're looking for some sober fun. If you want to get shitfaced, head down the festival and look for somebody in pulse who is also trying to get wasted. You don't really need a job or any real cash, because everythings so cheap up here. You don't really need a car, somebody will probably drive you. If you're out at the right hour, you can go drunk tipping, Bel Air has quite a bar scene. The amount of drug traffic in Bel Air is exceptional, particularly due to pulse interactive. The local scene (as in scene kid) is surprisingly chill. Most of the Bel Air scenesters smoke, drink, and vandalize like the normal kids. You can pretty much get away with anything in Bel Air, the cops are easy to escape, and are too concerned with the skaters to deal with you too long. You can even buy some meth, if you're into that sort of thing.
Bel Air is an indescribably chill town
by DJ Mizrboy December 24, 2006
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