The sport that perfectly captures what Americans want in sports: Very little action to cater for the usually non-athletic players, mind-numbing stopping and starting, for the ADD-affected fans, and a whole lot of gayness. It is basically a girl's game(rounders) that has been over-hyped so Americans don't feel stupid. Created, like most American sports, because Americans can't win at any true international team sports. Americans needed a game which required characteristics only Americans had I.e. the ones stated above, so Baseball was born. Definitely a lot better than American "football" though. That definitely takes the cake for the most boring, unpopular, fat boy gay ritual. No American "football" fan can hate on Baseball.boreball sleepball fatball steroidball hot-dog ball
American sports fan: Hey, did you catch the baseball game last night?

TRUE sports fan: No. It must have been a very exciting game. *giggles.* What were the highlights?

American sports fan: Oh, there were Budweiser commercials, and Doritos commercials, and there were some fat spectators fighting....

TRUE sports fan: I'm talking about the game itself. Why did you watch it? Were there any homeruns etc.

American sports fan: Now you know no one watches sports for sports sake, right? We watch for the ads, the cheerleaders..

TRUE sports fan: Only in America.
by GuanJin August 11, 2010
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A simple sport that turns guys into pussies that feel the need to defend their "sport" over Urban Dictionary. Not America's pastime, it sucks.
Okay, I am just responding to that really long definition about the kid who said that baseball was an "unathletic" sport.

The first sentence of one terrible definition.
by HaveYaMetTim January 6, 2008
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Littlerly the worst sport ever invented
Dude you’ll never guess what I can swing at a ball and run 20 yards then wait half an hour until someone hits another baseball
by X-C for life March 26, 2019
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A garbage sport in which players stand around or jog instead of being athletic
Baseball players like to make fun of other sports to compensate for the un athletic nature of their sport.
by Am Very Smart May 16, 2019
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Guys making out. In short, the great American pass-time.
Why do girls love watching baseball so much?
by pelly jay October 2, 2011
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a game for faggots that can't play other sports so they play baseball because it doesn't require any athleticism.
Jayden: I'm off to baseball practice
Solomon: You play baseball? Faggot
Jayden: What do you mean? Baseballs the best sport ever
Solomon: You know what shut the fuck up and get out of my sight you bat swinging cunt
by Im.Not.Gay May 30, 2019
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