When you are so wasted you feel you are going to pass out so you choose/ believe it would be a good idea if you went around the town or city with a friend pushing you in a wheel barrow. That way you can get out without any necessary mobility.
Mallory "I am soooo tired, you know I'm going to pass out right? I can't go for a walk!"

Jason "Well, we'll take you around town in a wheel barrow that way you can sleep and we can claim in the morning that we got wheel barrow wasted"

Mallory "okay, sounds hilarious"
by Spiderman Wall Kick January 20, 2012
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Similar to the sexual position, 'the wheel-barrow' (i.e on one's back in a submissive role with the legs pulled over the partner's shoulders) the bottoming person would be either debating, complaining, glaring (or all at the same time) during the entire process.
I was trying to make him comfortable for his first time, but the agitated little shit kept patronizing me and glaring at me. It was probably my fault for provoking him, but heck it was a total Machiavellian wheel-barrow moment.
by Le Emme February 2, 2011
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When you blow your load in someone’s ass hole and in an effort to save your sheet (or whatever your on) you grab your partner by the ankles and make them walk on their hands until you get to the bathroom (or a proper dumping area).
If it weren’t for the muddy wheel barrow I would have ruined my new sheets!
by nicktheprick December 27, 2007
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Sexual position, woman on her back with only her shoulders touching, pelvis high in the air. Man has both of her legs on either side of him or in the "wheel barrow" position. Act performed on a women from Southeast Asia so she may slide across the bed or floor. She can be flipped face down for the "Reverse Wonton wheel barrow" but rug burns may insue. Flexibility is paramount.
Ling Mai wanted to do something different so I got her in the Wonton Wheel barrow!
by Crasher B May 5, 2006
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Someone who masturbates while riding down a hill in a wheelbarrow
Hey guys i cut my cock last night when i fell onto the road when i was being a wheel barrow wanker
by monkey905 November 22, 2015
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The Wheel Barrow Position is when the guy in a standing position grabs her legs under her thighs. Then walks her around with her hands on the floor. If she trips and her face hit's the floor…it's now the Rototiller Position.
I walked her all over the house in the Wheel Barrow Position.
by Par64Tat August 29, 2014
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Those that are carried over to the country by Illegals, then, because their born here, expect the red carpet. They think that they are entitled, and everyone owes them everything because you have it and they don't . They were never taught basic communicating skills. They push and shove, while in a line, and disrespect elders, old people, women, & especially the disabled. They would never think about getting a job and working for it. You are expected to just give them everything, because you are the one that is lucky. If they got a job, that would mean getting up early for work every day, not doing their drugs, being told by somebody what to do, and heaven forbid, PAYING TAXES.
I was trying to pay at the cashier window, when this Wheel Barrow Baby behind me said: I ain't wait'n in no damn line no longer. Maybe I'll just not pay for this shit!
by arckstr4u May 24, 2011
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