Policeman in Cockney rhyming slang. i.e. Bottle (& stopper) = copper = policeman.
Scappa, there's a bottle.
by ô¿ô September 30, 2010
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A vial of crack/coke. A container of a drug.
I sold that kid a fake bottle.

The cops came so i had to toss the bottle.
by Socci January 14, 2009
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To ram one's penis into another's eye.
Bottled my gf hard last night.
by CurtisSmehlers March 7, 2007
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Internet slang/lingo for when someone gets tricked into going to the shock site bottleguy.com
You should have seen the look on Neil's face when he got bottled yesterday!
by Carabas - Lewl October 10, 2006
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The Bottle is death itself. It is a concoction of of things all compiled into one bottle. It has been buried under the ground for about 3-4 months. With things such as milk, soda, bacon, cheese, cat foot, piss, and a dead bird, the bottle is the worst thing ever.

The Bottle can also be used as a defense. (See example below)
That shit was so nasty it was almost as bad as the bottle.

If you kick me in the nuts again I will pour the bottle on you.
by ThePoonerBooner May 9, 2008
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When you fuck a bitch so hard in the ass you are able to stick a bottle into it.
by Loney March 3, 2009
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