1. In Hinduism, and avatar (or avatara) is a deity who descends from heaven to earth to help humanity and restore balance between good and bad during a period of great evil.

2. In the amazing American Nickelodeon TV show Avater: the last airbender (ATLA) created by Mike Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko (called "Bryke" by ATLA fans), an avatar is a person who's able to bend and master all the four elements and thereby keeps balance into the world. ATLA was heavily influenced by Asian cultures, the definition of an avatar in the show is based on and derived from the definition of an avatar in Hinduism.

3. an Avatar in the 2009 James Cameron movie is a Na'vi-human hybrid. Basically, it's a Na'vi (original inhabitants of a fictional planet called "Pandora") who's mentally controlled by a genetically matching human.
1. Krishna is one of the most widely known Hindu avatars.

2. Aang has to master all four elements and defeat the Fire Lord because he is the avatar.

3. Humans created avatars to improve their relations with the Na'vi.
by Xiao Ling February 14, 2010
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two dogs fighting over treats is the same thing as two dudes fighting over an avatar.
by rtrain 5000 December 27, 2010
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1) A small picture beneath a persons username in posts on forums.
2) Some kind of incarnation of a god.
1) user's avatar is a piece of crap.
2) Fear the Avatar of Zeus!
by Anon. October 3, 2003
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When a woman sticks her braided hair into her boyfriend’s ass and rides him like a horse.
“Wanna try the avatar?”
“What’s that?”
“When I put my braid in your ass and ride you like a horse.”
by Poopyhead29 January 8, 2023
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When a movie, TV show, or song that is pretty good (e.g. Avatar) is ruined for you by a bunch of nerdy fanboys that orgasm over it and cry fowl when it doesn't win an Oscar, Emmy, or Grammy.
Joe: Yo, did you like Inception?

Bill: Kind of, but the guys at work kind of avatared it for me.
by Lars@Mars December 6, 2010
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One of the many incarnations of the Hindu God, Shiva / Vishnu / Brahma
I'm not going to steal that watch - surely an avatar will come to smite me!
by Roximily September 16, 2004
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The Incarnation Of A Great And Powerful God, One Who Has Knowledge Over All Things And Beings And Is Supreme.
webavatar is god
by Harry Bawlz December 18, 2003
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