The age when you can fuck a girl and not get jail time.
I can't screw her yet. She's not 18, so I might get jail time.
by M.C. Shithead April 21, 2005
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Of a matter of legal age, usually a female within the internet.
Hey Josh, I saw a sign last night while browsing around the internet... This site only allows 18+ content.
by kingpablo December 24, 2017
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Maths teacher:What is 18+2?
Maths Teacher:ok go to set 5...
by niallspotatoo December 9, 2020
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When your free trail of living has expired
You are now 18 and have to pay, to get full access to the game
by ThickRickDick December 22, 2020
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Age of majority in all countries except for the United States thanks to their stupid laws regarding drinking age and the age requirement for getting a hotel and renting a car.
In the United States you have to be 21 to do nearly everything...that gotta suck! Why can't I make my own decisions at 18? This is why I am going across the border to CANADA for spring break!
by NHRHS2010 June 16, 2011
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when you love someone...
so much...
your heart...❤️
is over flowing ...
and then...
you find out...
they too...
love you...
by Wanderlust_721 August 28, 2023
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