The act of bringing ones palm to ones face.

Often used in response to a stupid phrase or question.

Frequently used on best friends.
n00b/nerd: I finally got to level two!

1337: *facepalm*
by borninlyoko April 15, 2010
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When a person thinks he said or did something smart that in fact was unbelieveably stupid, and you know you cannot make him understand this or convince him otherwise, you do a facepalm in self-agony, that means you lower your head in your palm and feel bad.
Person 1: - Everybody else says it this way, so it must be true!
Person 2: - But what is the logical connection between truth and everybody saying it that way, in this last statement of yours?
Person 1: - But I am right! Ask anybody!
Person 2 does a facepalm.
by Bleekcer January 27, 2013
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Sarah asked what "That's what she said" meant today. Her new name is Facepalm.
by Emma Woods March 29, 2011
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A hand, face jester when one palm covers the face. It also can involve shaking your head in despair or embarrassment. usually used when seeing Cult of $cientology failed attempts to cover who the really are
Do you see the add on Urban dictionary for The Cult of $cientology? "Insert facepalm"
by bobby McPrescult April 21, 2008
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The act of one's palm coming into direct and repeated contact with one's face after doing something particularly humiliating.
Kate Richard, uh, uh, *facepalm*.
by Kate Richard September 19, 2007
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a person who facepalms others
Bully/Jock/Nerd From Highschool: Hey! haven't seen you in years!

Facepalmer: we weren't friends in school, we're not going to be friends now *facepalm*
by last_name_left July 24, 2009
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An old played out meme which is overused by adolescents on several internet forums. It is an expression which is equivalent in stupidity to telling a Chuck Norris joke, and is often invoked after a person believes something another person has said or done is incredibly stupid and/or misguided.
Person #1: I hate hippies.
Person #2: *facepalm*
Person #1: I can see now that you're a total douche. Bye.
by Johnson Johnson February 20, 2008
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