Meh is used to describe any and every word possible, including:
kind of
no thankyou
yes please
look bitch i really dont care so just shut the fuck up
if you want
If you wnat
i dont want to really
shut up
i dont really care
no honestly, i dont care...

...and is never explained on which is actually used...
"you wanna come round mine?"
"whats that mean"
(told all of the definitions above)
"so which one? yes or no?"
"that a yes?"
"a no??"
"a maybe???"
"look please tell me"
by Shmatt Matt John J Smith April 29, 2004
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The sound a goat makes.
little girl: "oh, look at the cute goat!!"
goat: "meh"
by bellaluna23 January 25, 2010
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meaning so-so, a verbal shrug. showing no care in the subject or subject matter. also can be used as to ask a question, or takes the place of "what"
tom: what did you think of the movie?
ed: it was meh.

tom: how was class today?
ed: meh.

tom: I eat babies!!
ed: meh?
by tedbundier May 12, 2008
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indiferent.....don't care
i first heard the word in 2000. i stooped down to pet a cat.. it ducked and moved out the way... i said "don't u want a pat?" the cat relied "MEH" and strolled off casually
by Andre Impossible September 4, 2010
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Interjection showing utter indifference or apathy.
Meh is to be used when saying whatever requires too much effort.
by radiosonde1 June 24, 2009
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The word you say when you are too lazy to say kinda
"So do you like sushi?"
by IvanWind December 15, 2014
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An incredibly versatile word which can be used to describe an infinite amount of things, feelings, thoughts
Mary: Hey Francine, how was the hair braiding contest?
Francine: Meh, I got third place

Gregory Tompkinson: Ummm, Davecat, you know those are supposed to go on the inside of the boat right?
Davecat: Mehhhhhh! I just spent 16 days gluing those rhinestones on...dammit
by Howdyalike'emapples? June 15, 2016
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