When a "gamer" constantly looks to see what a particular person is playing everytime they are online
Steven: Raymond I noticed whilst online that you are always playing Zelda.

Raymond: Are you nerd-stalking me?
by Dhuntouch! November 8, 2013
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The act of rejoicing in seeing freedoms taken away from people who have opposing views.
Classic example of freedom stalking:
Did you see that guy get arrested for accusing that black guy for stealing?
Woah that's messed up bro. Why you gotta say he's black and stealing?
Well he's stealing and he's black, so... why arrest the guy reporting it?
by dEdzilla July 30, 2023
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Anything that provides mental stimulus for creeping. Usually a Facebook newsfeed.
(inner monologue of a high/bored person):Laying here watching 'Hoarders' is not enough right now, I should read something. Food for thought on Wikipedia or food for stalk on Facebook?
by taycolez October 6, 2011
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when you listen to whatever other people are listening to or, “ stalking ” their spotify feed.

example - on certain socials it’ll say what someone’s listening to on spotify, so someone who is spotify stalking would be constantly looking at what someone’s listening to.
person one - dude, where did these songs come from?
person two - i just spotify stalked someone and added these songs to a playlist
by em <3 September 12, 2021
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Use of the Tik-Tok application (Usually a lonely male in his 30s-40s) attempting to establish a rapport with a teen or preteen through in-app interaction. (SEE Tik-Stalker)
Damn Becky, this old ass dude is on here tryna Tik-Stalk me. He's gotta be older than Chris Hansen!
by DR RELEVANT February 2, 2020
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a guy that's a (virgin) in his forties. Only hangs about with his parents struggles to make friends and is a (stalker)
by Forestfax71 June 14, 2019
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To show a picture of someone you know to your 3rd cousin that you never met
by Define this CAPTCHA June 30, 2018
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