1. To run away, to flee.
2. To tell someone else to flee, see pace like a chavi

3. To steal something, to chaw it.
Joe: geet up joe ***** boi!
Chunky: chav it mush!
by The Chunky One October 5, 2007
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A term used to describe gays.

They ride their little sisters bikes and wear pink tops.

I feel sorry for anyone that gives this a thumbs down. You are also a gay chav.
Normal Person 1: "Did you see that dude kissing that other dude?"

Normal Person 2: " Yeh, they're chavs"

Normal Person 1: "Oi chav scum!"

Chav: *Runs off and cries*.
by zomg1111 March 10, 2007
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a chav is sum1 who stays out til midnite or l8r (even if there 7 or so). the yunger 1's are generally annoyin tits an tend to use the quote *cmon then a'l bang thi* an *eyup its your name with feeble changes made the nobedd!*
--> i see chav
chav: av erd tha's bin sayin stuff abart mi
me: av i eck
chav: eyup wen av sin thi
me: mmm cors
chav: what tha growin ur hair for y' nobhed
me: cos a want it long or8?
--> i walk off
me: (quietly) twat
by Alex December 8, 2004
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hi gem ! do u wanna go out sometime? ill give u a baby?
gem mmmmmmmmm whole lotta chav...

whats worse than a chav? a fat chav
by Gurpal May 24, 2004
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Anyone who wears sporting attire when not playing sport. Simple as that.
Most Popular Chav Brands:
1. Nike
2. Mckenzie
3. Ecko
by Insane Bob November 18, 2007
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The result of a dysgenics program designed by the "upper-class" to control the "middle-class".
Katie: Oh look mummy, there's a scary Chav!
Mummy: Don't worry darling, daddy's working very hard to pay our taxes to make sure the police will protect us from the benefit claiming lower-class.
by Mike Genoah April 29, 2008
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A trouble maker That originates from the gypsy word chavi. Chavs love RnB, Hip Hop Gangsta Rap and Donk where as the music that Chavs hate because it is the most "unchavvy" music to listen to consists of Metal Rock Dub Reggae Dubstep House and Dnb. (not all listed.) Chav slang includes "init" "Fuck!" "wankar" and "Ya mate".Often you will see Chav writing in public toilets usually something like "wanka" or something about two school kids doing it. It is beileved that Chav stands for Council House Associated Scum the meaning of this is a stereotype of chavs whom live in council houses. Chavs often wear Chavvy clothing which is fake burberry clothing with "Tracksuit bottoms" and Adidas pumps. Famous Chavs include Dappy (who is just an absolute twat) Katie price (an annoying British model AKA a chavvy prostitute) and Louie Spence.
(Pupil) Hey did you hear bout derrick?

(Pupil)He listens to N-DUBZ and watches Louie Spence's Show Business

(Teacher)What a Chav ;)
by Blanksi April 29, 2011
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